American Express Card Number Format 2023

by Raven T.

With time the way people pay for things has drastically changed. Cash was the only source of transaction but now with time different ways have emerged. Credit cards and debit cards have made their way into the market and are now used frequently. It is more convenient than carrying cash around. Anyone with a credible background can apply for cards and can receive after the standard procedure. There are thousands of people who apply for the American Express Card and many receive it. Millions of transactions take place through that card every day. It is nor random and every card has a specific number that is only assigned to that card and its holder. There is a whole system of logic and algorithm that makes it what it is. If you have ever wondered how it is done and what that card number means, then the following pointers will clear any confusion that you might have had.

Special format of card numbers

There is a special procedure through which the numbers are assigned. It is generated through a system where it makes sure that no two cards have the same number. It is also very important in terms of security. It provides the card holders a safety net. Also, it is not that easy to break into since there is a whole system that generates these numbers and is not easy to hack it. They need to know the formula in order to break into the system. Furthermore, the special format also avoids any fake numbers that can causes any discrepancies.

Special format of card numbers
Special format of card numbers

First digit

Although the first digit may seem to be random, the reality is quite the opposite. It is not a number that is just randomly assigned. The first digit of American Express Card or Amex credit cards is always 3. It is special to the company and is registered. Each bank has a different number so credit cards from different companies have varying first number. The digit 3 is specific to American Express and is identified with it. It is approved and assigned by the government. It is even registered so that there are no issues relating to that later. Not only this but a specifically assigned first digit helps a lot in transactions. It also helps people in identifying the bank the card is issued from. It is specific to the issuer and is a source of identity to it.

Second digit

Second digit
Second digit

When it comes to second digit on the card, this is specific to the bank as well. For American Express Cards holders, it is either 7 or 4. This is used to identify the bank and issuer. The same goes for all AmEx cards. This is the second thing that is used as a card identifier. If a card is made to look like an American Express Card but does not have either 7 or 4 as its second digit is definitely not real. Authentic cards that are issued by American Express have either of the 2 numbers as its second digit. If it does not then it means that it is a scam and you should dig deeper into it before making commitments or signing anything. Be wary of any such things. Research properly and look into things before making any decisions.

Number length

The length of the number and how many numbers make up the card is specific. It does not differ and every American Express Card holder has the same number of digits on their cards. It has 15 digits. The length does not differ and is constant throughout. Not only that but the 15 digits are further divided into 3 parts. Each part is different and unique. It is divided into 3, 6 and 5 digits. After 3 digit there is space and then there is further space after the six digits. Then the 5 digits are there that completes the full 15 digits of the card. Now, this is to be noted that it is different and varying from one bank's card to another. Not every bank has the same number of digits. For instance, Mastercard has a length of 16 digits while the first digit is always 5. Maestro on the other hand has a maximum limit of 16 digits. It can have any number of digits as long as it does not exceed 19. Also, its first number needs to be either 5 or 6. Visa also has the same maximum limit that Maestro has although the first number needs to be 4.

All these numbers, digits and patterns make the card unique to its issuer as well as its holder. Not only this but it also protects against security issues than can cause major losses and irrecoverable damage to the banks as well as the card holders. Cards can often be abused to gain advantage and access to personal information.

Number length
Number length

Other important information that is necessary to know

Since the explanation and the details behind the card number and how it is generated is explained, there are a few other important things that is important for a person to know.

As a card holder it is very important to verbally remember your card number. It is not necessary if you are making purchases in stores or outlets but if you are involved in an online transaction it is very crucial for you to know your card number. Not knowing your card number during physical purchases is fine as you present the card at the paying register, they swipe the card and there is no such necessity of you knowing the number verbally. However, when you are ordering online, you need to enter your card number to confirm and verify your purchase. Not knowing it or entering an incorrect number can be very difficult and can cause problems.

It is also important to know your card number in case you either end up forgetting your card, misplacing it or loosing it. In either way, they will ask you for it and you need to know this. Apart from this, when you are making use of your card, they require more than just your card number. They ask for other relevant details that are just as important.

Name of cardholder

The name of the person owning the card is probably the foremost information they will ask you. It seems easy as why would the person using the card not know the name. However, at times cardholders give out their card to their friends and family to use it. In that case it is important to know the name and address of the cardholder. In American Express the name is mentioned on the lower left of the card. It is in abbreviations. It also contains the last name.

Identification number

This is also known as CVVC and CVC. This is another important piece of information. It differs for every issuer. For American Express this security code is of 4 digits. For others it is also 5 digits. You can spot it below the credit card number.

Identification number
Identification number

Expiration date

This is the date beyond which access to the card is not possible. Every card has an expiry date and you need to know yours. It is usually in the standard format of month and then the year-mm/yy. It is important that you are aware of the expiration date because then you will be restricted. So, it is better to know this beforehand.

These three key points are very important to know. It is important to keep a note of these since you need this information from time to time and not remembering or not being able to get hold of this kind of sensitive information can be very risky.

This link lists down all these features along with picture of the card that clearly explain what each number and digit represent.

Keep These Pointers in Mind

Always keep your data safe.

It is very crucial to keep all your information. Be careful about who you share these details with. Information can easily be abused and taken advantage of hence, it is important that you are careful and cautious about what you share and with whom you share it with.


Another thing to be mindful of is that you need to be careful about your information and use it sensibly. Once people get their own card then become very careless about how they use that sensitive information. They are very quick to trust any website or online forum that comes their way. However, you should always be careful about where you enter your information. Is it a trusted forum or can it use your information in an abusive manner? You should ask yourself these question before rushing in.

American Express has a very specific card format that is valid and applicable to itself only. It identifies it and makes sure it sets the issuer apart. It also assists in safety and related issues.

About Raven T.

Reven T. is a highly influential fashion blogger known for their impeccable style, insightful fashion tips, and captivating content. With a passion for all things fashion, Reven has established themselves as a prominent figure in the industry, gaining a substantial following on various social media platforms.

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